داستان آبیدیک

competitive market


1 اقتصاد:: بازار رقابتی

In modern capitalism the compulsion to pursue profits now has a purely structural foundation; that is to say, it is driven by the quest for survival in competitive markets and by the demands of shareholders for dividends.5 Nowhere is this more evident than in the absolute exigency that con- sumers' wants are stimulated without limit, lest falling demand triggers a recession and a down- ward spiral of factory closures, unemployment and ultimately social and political unrest. For example, economic theories of the competitive market can be considered among such narratives of the economy, and they are held to be 'performative' in that they shape how it works (Callon 1998; MacKenzie 2006; MacKenzie, Fabian and Sui 2007; du Gay 1998;). The fall of the alternative state-socialist planned economies and the absence of the kind of severe and protracted economic stagnation that occurred in the 1930s have reinforced the view that the competitive market brings about an efficient and, ultimately, harmonious integration of the special- ized sectors of the economy. It is in the very nature of competitive markets to produce winners and losers, and the former are able progressively to monopolize their advantageous position and to manipulate the market. The competitive market

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